Intensive care Part 2

Having nothing better ready to post, here's the all-fucking-all-the-time edition of the Matt Hughes/DannyD clip I put up about 10 days ago as INTENSIVE CARE. Remember now, I warned you that the inept producers of this scene managed to obscure Matt/Danny's dick in most of the fuck shots. Hell, they even accomplished what seems scarcely possible: they made it look small! (Holding such an apathetic view of this clip, I'm willing to risk its getting that awful "white background" posting anomaly.)

Comments (13)

by Wildcat 13 years ago

Hammer, wie die geile Schwester von dem Monsterriemen durchgeknallt wird....

by rococojoe 13 years ago

This is what I call fucking. Thanks for posting.

by lancetheman 13 years ago


by XYChromo 13 years ago

In the same vein as the sniping, we have jul_org's insinuation (one made several times already by gay guys) that that Matt was disparaging gays by using a safe to fuck them. For the hundreth time, let it be pointed out that it's the PRODUCER'S decision, not the performers, to use or not use rubbers. In other words, ask Blake Mason why Matt wore rubbers.

by papagallo222 13 years ago

"It takes more than a big cock"? To do what? To please YOU, personally? Neither John Holmes or (currently) Ian Scott had/have great looks, and yet they were/are top-tier porn stars. Matt was a STAR in gay porn, and it's only now--when, to the outrage of many queens, he's doing what comes naturally to him--do we hear all this sniping.

by a_a_77 13 years ago

noisy bitch...

by mcocktube 13 years ago

Okay've got a nice cock; but, that body needs HELP. Dude, get to the gym and put on about 20 pounds of muscle. From my perspective - watching a guy fuck a girl or guy, he has got to have a great ass. Like muscle up that ass and show us what it can do. Your ass is saggy, dude! It takes more than a big cock - case in point Jeff Stryker! I rest my case

by jul_org 13 years ago

Why does he fucks her raw ??? he always uses a condom when he fucks a guy

by machinvt 13 years ago

looks pretty big to me!!!

by bigdonato 13 years ago

It's fascinating, really: nokiabore's posts reflect the many & varied ways he has of coming across as a total asshole.