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I don't know who he is and I don't know who she is, but I love to watch them fuck. In a way, this clip is exactly like the one I just posted (with Antonio & Nils) since both involve a big, fat cock & two people enjoying it in a burst of raw & rutting lust--the kind you just can't fake in front of cameras. I stress this similarity in the hope that mwlsu89 will see that the true spirit of MCL--the pursuit and worship of the Fantasy Phallus-- has never made distinctions between gay and str8 erotica, and I invite him to review my 358 posts as a typical instance of that ecumenical approach. I am gay gay gay--but just look at what beguiles my eye enough to make me want to share it. [Click on the red number after "Media" above and you'll see.]
I'm str8 but if i see a gay scene with one guy so big he makes the other guy having to use a wheelchair for a few weeks i'm in ;-)
OK, will all the guys here who sincerely consider themselves str8 raise their hands?
Hmmm. I thought so. I guess that means that an overwhelming majority of the str8 cips we see here are posted by GAY guys. Why?BECAUSE THE MALE PERFORMERS INVOLVED WERE HOT AND HUNG LIKE HORSES. Anyone got an alternative explanation?
With several hundred thousand str8 sites out there (and not a ONE of them about to show any gay action), how come mwlsu comes over HERE--deplores the fact (apparently) that the clips aren't exactly balanced 50/50 between gay & straight and acts as if HE's some kind of misunderstood maverick courting approval for being brave enuf to post str8 clips???? WTF does that mean, anyway?
I'm gay gay gay, too, & I love watching str8 studs fuck gals up the ass & titfuck them, & have their way with them as outrageously as they want--just as long as they're hung like this guy. Yes, COCK is what this site is about, str8, gay, it doesn't matter. I think mwlsu is the 'limited' one, in fact. He may hang out here, but, unless I'm mistaken, he's NOT watching any gay clips.
I bet he likes a hot & busy tongue up his ass.
Yes, the action is hot (& that guy's got a big fat piece on him) but the out of synch soundtrack makes it seem less like 'lust for real' than it probably is. (They look sky-high on coke or something LOL) Love the baby oil!
That's Mark Ashley.