Open letter to sonnybonkers

From: corthot
Tags: sonnybonkers
Views: 7133
Categories: Videos

Many months ago I said that if you weren't reined in (or bounced) by Patrick, or didn't choose on your own to knock off your stupid and deliberately provocative insults regarding the circumcision issue, I was going to remove my posts from the site. Today I read this comment from you: " could be so much nicer if you'd do away with the foreskin!! Just cuz your parents were numbskulls for not getting you fixed when you were born doesn't mean you have to go through life bearing their mistake!! Get that deformity taken care of and stop spreading germy, infection-causing dick cheese to others!! Just do it!!" And, indeed, that does it. Unless you swear off that kind of remark once & for all by tonight, I'm deleting the ten most recent of my 340-some posts (excerpts from which are shown in this clip)--and those who favorited these items 2,166 times can thank you for their loss. And I'll continue deleting stuff until the 'sonny problem' is brought to an end.

Comments (30)

by Raffy 13 years ago

I donno what all the drama is about here and I could care less...fukkin awesome video montage, though!! :>)

by jperiod 14 years ago

Sonnybonkers thinks his "I just pulled it out of my ass " comments give him relevance. Reacting to him does. Most members of this site think he's an idiot - he opens his mouth and removes all doubt. Though it's hard to do, ignore the bastard.

by Mmmaybe 14 years ago

How about you hold your breath and stomp your feet.

by papagallo222 14 years ago

The archive still has two of crazy's postings of the Ruben & Paulo scene--"Ruben prepares for a fat & juicy dick" and the single-post abridgement, "Massive Paulo Massa." Also search for Paulo Massa's solo clip.

by sequoia 14 years ago

can someone tell me witch movie is the part with the from? please help, tnx :)

by crazy4cock 14 years ago

I think you should call for world peace! (And now I'm going to bed. 'Night all.)

by 14 years ago

You're a doll, crazy!! I'm sorry the "skin" came between us. Gosh, that was such a good item to go "bonkers" about. You'll have to help me come up with something else equally looney to rant about! But, right now I just can't come up with anything! Darn, that was a good one!! Darn, darn, darn!! Boo-hoo, even!!

by ny2la 14 years ago

He calls himself bonkers, cause thats what he is, Ignore it, your only giving him what he wants when you react.

by crazy4cock 14 years ago

Sonny, I see I was right all along in taking you for a gent (underneath the bad-boy antics) and I'm sorry I had to play prima donna to get you to show it. You've always added color & vitality to the conversation, and things would surely be less amusing around here without your unique & emphatic point of view. So I'm grateful & happy that you've now resolved the problem, sending us back to our shared pursuit of ever more amazing & lust-inducing monstrosities!

by gisuprise 14 years ago

I think sonneybonkers adds much needed levity to this site. Those of you who attempt to exercise some degree of "control" by threatening to remove posts if someone doesn't do what you like are pathetic. I imagine you lead a fairly unfulfilling existence.