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I was pretty sure that Tonda's audition was in the archive already, but three different search approaches failed to turn him up. The quality of this copy is crappy, I know, but I figured his dick was sufficiently ample to justify posting it. But if you disagree, you may not be alone: according to Tonda, his boyfriend keeps dropping hints that 'it isn't big enough.'
Oh, Sonny's an asshole for sure, but he ain't so big. Ordinary, normal (for a sizequeen) asshole. 4-5" wide tops. Needs a bigger, better buttplug--& should keep it in 24/7.
Yeah, sonny definitely gets MY vote. He has some serious competition from nokiaboy, extremecrock and that pineapple-brain from Hawaii, but he'd still win in a landslide as top-rated asshole.
It's hard to get a consensus around here about cock-size, sonny, but assholes are another matter. And I'd be willing to bet the farm that just about EVERYONE would agree that YOU are--beyond question (and with 5 stars guaranteed)--the BIGGEST ASSHOLE HERE. Your comments are boring & dull (once you've seen one, you've seen 'em all), and that's why so many of us wish you'd shut your trap once & for all, and, as you so succinctly put it, get lost.
I sure wish these XL files were closed up once and for all!! These boring, hairless, guys that don't look like anybody I ever see in real life are dull!! It's like you've seen one and you've seen them all!! Get lost!!