
Views: 5130
Categories: Videos


Comments (6)

by tanntriss41 14 years ago

let's have more flips

by wickedpoison 14 years ago

just shutup and start fuckin already

by nokiaboy 14 years ago

far too much chit chatting at begginning just get on with it

by elansvc 14 years ago

Just awful, save your free views, y'all.

by ialwayseatnut 14 years ago

I love a man with thick thighs mmmmmm

by AndyDC 14 years ago

Imagine a newbie--expecting to see the most monstrously huge cocks there are on the Internet--arriving on this 'latest videos' page and seeing: four dead-on-arrival bulge clips (7-15 seconds long), and eight taggaz-type mediocrities (one or two stars each) that have COLLECTIVELY been favorited only 4 times, and aroused not a single cry of 'Proper!' from the amen corner. Think he's stick around long?