Skin bus

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Comments (10)

by FreakMuscleXXL 8 years ago

Super hot!

by dionisgood 15 years ago

somewhere out there is a longer version of this. they even get off the bus? it used to be on xtube waaaay back when

by bigpaul 16 years ago


by chazzie3366 16 years ago

the hotest thing ive seen so far what a sexy guy give us more

by crazy4cock 16 years ago

I wonder if we'll ever see a clear version of this hot little scene. Mack, how about 'being a member of the busbang club'?
Or getting a 'backathebusknobjob'? A propos, it's amazing that the most famous bus bj of them all, the Lukas Ridgeston/Filip Smirnov scene from 'Lukas in Love' isn't in the archive. (Maybe it is, but untagged or vaguely titled.)

by hungmixedlad 16 years ago

hey Mark din't know you werr on ere' dirty git...!!!??!

by mickis 16 years ago

fuk sure wisg i was on that hot totaly

by jackload 16 years ago

That bus is in need of a new muffler.

by htyk 16 years ago

OMG this type is sooo fuckin hot..

by MackBridgman 16 years ago

Greyhound and Travelway ridereship would increase exponentially if the general public knew of this possiblity. The bus now has the equivalent of the milehigh club. Name to be determined. Any suggestions for it? This fucker is a hottie!